Home » Abraham Lake A place where you can experience the essence of winter travel in Canada. Experience the mystical ice bubble

Abraham Lake A place where you can experience the essence of winter travel in Canada. Experience the mystical ice bubble

The weather in Canada, including Calgary, was very cold this week regardless of the region.

Calgary also recorded its lowest temperature in 55 years.

This winter has been so warm as never before, so it’s really nice to stay!! I felt it, but of course it was Canada!! Of course it’s Alberta!!

It suddenly got cold, but there is one good thing. Could it have been so warm up until last week that Abraham Lake could freeze? I thought about it for a while. If the weather was like this, I think the lake would have frozen over in just one day.

Now~~ Let’s go to Abraham Lake!!!

Where is Abraham Lake located?

Looking at this map, where do you think Abraham Lake is? lol

You have no idea?

From Calgary, take Highway 1 through Banff, Lake Louise, and all the way to Jasper. It’s a lake on Highway 11 towards Nordegg in the middle of the road. Do you see that blue area indicated by the arrow?

If you look at a photo taken from above, it looks like this.

The lake isn’t that big? If you actually go there, it’s so long that you can run and run and run without it ending.

Source: Wikipedia

The reason Abraham Lake is good in all four seasons (spring/summer/autumn/winter) is because it is located in a place where there are mountains called Nordegg that are really good for hiking.

A lake in the Rockies that you can enjoy from eye level

Abraham Lake is so beautiful all year round, and unlike other famous tourist attraction lakes in the Rockies, you can see the lake right next to a moving car.

In other words, you can see it without having to climb the winding mountain and go out of your way to find it. Like this. The reason there is such a huge lake on the side of the road at eye level is because it is an artificial lake.

The color of the lake is truly a work of art, isn’t it? What’s interesting is that even though it is an artificial lake, it has a really pretty blue color like other glacial lakes in the Rockies.

The color is said to be due to rock powder that has settled in the lake.

Isn’t it like the color of a beach in the Maldives, where the jade-colored water is made of crushed coral powder?

The color of the water changes from time to time depending on the weather.

Abraham Lake in the middle of winter

The color of the lake, which was once pretty like the color of a glacial lake, changes like this in winter.

Source: Wikipedia

Abraham Lake is an artificial lake created during the construction of a dam, so if you go in winter, you will be high-fived by the fierce wind that you have never experienced before.

It feels like this in the middle of winter.

Because the lake is so big, there are some areas where it is frozen solid, but there are also areas where the water is gliding like this.

Seeing the special ice bubble, the essence of winter travel in Canada

Abraham Lake is famous for its ice bubbles. It is also called carbonated ice.

It’s so mysterious, right?

This bubble is the methane gas emitted by decaying plants at the bottom of the lake, rising to the top and then freezing.

Methane gas rises. Don’t move because of the ice clogged on the surface!!! It’s frozen.

The shape has a free-spirited feel that cannot be achieved even if you try to create it on purpose.

I looked for various ice bubbles rising from all over the lake and took pictures.

I can take a proof photo even while lying on the floor like this^^ hahaha

What is the best place to enjoy ice bubbles at Abraham Lake?

If you go to Abraham Lake, where should you look for bubbles? Where should I park my car!! You won’t feel it.

Well, if you think that all you have to do is go to the lake, you will be in trouble.

As you go, you will find a place where cars have entered the center of the lake. You can park right where the arrow indicates and experience the ice bubble.

When can I enjoy ice bubbles at Abraham Lake?

The recommended time is from January to mid-February. March is also good as long as the ice is frozen solid. Above all, now is the best time!! Remember. ^^

Recommended route to experience Abraham Lake Ice Bubble

Even if you had to drive 3 hours from Calgary just to see the floating ice bubbles, it would be worth it.

If possible, plan to stay for at least one night.

Calgary –> Abraham Lake –> Edmonton

I also recommend taking this route all the way up to Edmonton.

We recommend a route where you stay overnight in Edmonton, do a brief sightseeing tour of Edmonton and a restaurant tour the next day, and then return home to Calgary.

[Source] Abraham Lake A place where you can taste the essence of winter in Canada. Experience the mystical ice bubble | Written by Wonderful Miki

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