Home » Abraham Lake & Allstones Lake Trail

Abraham Lake & Allstones Lake Trail

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Rocky Mountain Trekking

hello. This is Miki’s Honey, MikiHani.

The places we will introduce this time are Abraham Lake artificial lake and Allstones Lake Trail.

Abraham Lake

Abraham Lake is a very large artificial lake on the way to Nordegg. It is said to have been created when the Bighorn Dam was built in 1972. The length is 32km, so you can see how big the lake is, right?

Abraham Lake
It is blue like a typical Rocky Mountain lake.

Ice Bubble

Abraham Lake is famous not for its size but for the Ice Bubble that appears in winter. Isn’t it fascinating?

Abraham Lake Ice Bubble
Source Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lake

I also went there in winter and took pictures, but the pictures didn’t come out that pretty. lol. I suspect that something has been slightly modified in the photo??? lol

This is a photo I took in winter.

Abraham Lake Ice Bubble

I looked it up on the wiki and found out why ice bubbles form:

Because it is an artificial lake, there are trees trapped underneath the lake, and the methane gas that comes out as the trees rot is said to create these ice bubbles. Ultimately, since this is a phenomenon that does not occur in regular lakes, ice bubbles are not seen in other lakes and seem to only appear in Abraham Lake.

However, there is nothing to see other than these ice bubbles in the winter, so I wouldn’t recommend going just to see this in the winter. And because it’s completely inside the mountain, it’s really cold. lol. When I came to Calgary from Edmonton, I was just bored so I took advantage of this road and stopped by to take some pictures on the way.

If you go there to take pictures, be sure to prepare crampons. The access road is very slippery. It is also recommended that you wear a hat, shoes, etc. to keep warm.

Please watch the Ice Bubble video on Wonderful Mickey YouTube and subscribe to YouTube. Nodding~~^^


Allstones Lake Trail

Allstones Lake Trail is a course that goes up and down Allstones Ridge at the eastern end of Abraham Lake. It is 10km long and has a total climbing height of 835m. Considering the length and height, it is not an easy course, but I don’t think it is a very difficult course unless you stop by the lake in the middle.

According to Alltrails, it is 10km, but I think it is less than 8km if you skip the lake. Haha, but I gave up before the last summit and only climbed the mountain. Of course, you can fully enjoy the scenery even without going to the top. You can see the view of Abraham Lake spreading out even in the middle.

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You can climb with your dog and the leash must be filled.

In the lake in front of the entrance, there are many trees standing in the water like an artificial lake.

Abraham Lake

Now, let’s take a look at the photos on the way up.

Allstones Lake Trail
This is Santo(Mountain Lunatic), the kid who is truly crazy about mountains in this area.
Allstones Lake Trail
Allstones Lake Trail
There is a steep incline at the end.
Allstones Lake Trail
There is a great view point like this just before going up to the top.
Allstones Lake Trail
Because the summit is difficult, Santo(Mountain Lunatic) only have to climb up the mountain and then come back down. lol

The road to the last summit was a bit steep in some places, but the road wasn’t too steep, so it was a course you could climb up if you took your time and rested. At the end, where the slope is steep, don’t push yourself too hard at the beginning and climb up slowly.

It’s about 3 hours away from Calgary, so if you go in the summer when the sun is long, you can enjoy Abraham Lake and hiking at the same time.

Then have fun hiking!

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