Home » How much does it cost to purchase a ticket during the WESTJET direct flight sale? How much does Calgary-Incheon cost? Make predictions!!!

How much does it cost to purchase a ticket during the WESTJET direct flight sale? How much does Calgary-Incheon cost? Make predictions!!!

hello. How much does a direct flight to Calgary cost?

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WestJet’s 25% discount ended yesterday as part of the Boxing Day sale.

Actually, I tried to write it according to the deal, but due to personal reasons, I couldn’t post it during the discount period.

WestJet and Air Canada often offer discounts, so we’ve compiled this information for price comparison purposes.

I still cry ㅠㅠㅠ

A 25% discount is not common.

The schedule has become much better as the Calgary-Tokyo route has increased to daily flights.

You can see hot roads in April/June.

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When I searched for a one-way ticket, the price was quite attractive.

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Every Thursday is the cheapest day.

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Let’s take a look at the economy price.

This is the amount after applying the 25% coupon code.

The discount rate only applies to the BASE fare portion.

For that amount for a one-way trip, it’s quite attractive.

My standard arrival time is also very good.

Surprisingly, the paid ticket price for business class is quite attractive.

It’s a 25% discount based on the base price, so if you purchase it during the promotion period, it’s quite a discount.

This is enough to ride!!! I want to, but I want to.

It is true that paying business class tickets is always a concern.

If you work hard for 10 hours, you can change the furniture,

If you work hard for 10 hours, you can upgrade the appliance.

If you work hard for 10 hours, you can buy a bag.

Cough lol lol

So you’re issuing mileage tickets to avoid having to worry about this, right?

Is that it?

In Japan, the price of paid tickets has increased significantly due to the evil fuel surcharge.

I don’t think Incheon will get more expensive just because the boarding time is longer.

I think it will be roughly around the Tokyo amount.

I think the price will increase around next year, and package tours such as 5 nights and 7 days with direct flights to Rockies will start to appear on home shopping channels.

Above, I summarized the cost of WestJet’s direct flight to Tokyo and predicted the cost of the direct flight to Calgary.

[Source] How much does it cost to purchase a ticket during the WESTJET direct flight sale? How much does Calgary-Incheon cost? Make predictions!!! Written by Wonderful Miki

For information on direct flights to Calgary, see here

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