Home » Edmonton Ugly Kimbap ‘Somehow Kimbap’ review: Price 10 years ago. Surprised by the price. 1 line $2.99 ​​@A-Mart Edmonton

Edmonton Ugly Kimbap ‘Somehow Kimbap’ review: Price 10 years ago. Surprised by the price. 1 line $2.99 ​​@A-Mart Edmonton


To commemorate (?) my visit to Edmonton yesterday and today.


An unusual restaurant in Edmonton??!! Fun food?

It’s not eye-poppingly delicious, but it’s not bad and well worth the price!!!!

Haha~~ It’s long! It’s long. lol

Anyway, let me review that kimbap.

I have an acquaintance in Edmunds called QOB.

He came to me out of nowhere

‘Oh right!!! A-Mart happens to sell something called kimbap, and it costs $2.99. ‘Try it!!’

‘yes???? $2.99??????????’

‘Hahaha yes!! Not bad. hehe’

‘Ah! Is this the price from 10 years ago????

We have these conversations and ask our Edmonton sisters and brothers.

‘I heard they sell it as kimbap at A-Mart??

‘Have you tried it??’


‘how is it???’

‘It’s okay. I buy it sometimes!!

‘Why don’t you know??’

‘It’s not enough to tell you!!’


so… … …

Please call A-Mart right away and keep the 10 lines immediately.










If I had seen Vizul in person, I might not have bought it. ㅠㅠㅠ

Wow, such a negative review lol.

First, I picked up 10 lines and arrived safely at home.

Ah, it’s packaged like this. lol

It’s so sad. Packaging condition!

The thing called wrap makes the product look so ugly.

hmm!!! I will never use wrap!!!

Since we have to meet the lowest price by saving on labor costs, we also have to save the effort of cutting.


It’s been a while since I had a bowl of kimbap^^

I tried cutting it in a hurry.

Oh~~ Unlike it looks, the sesame oil smells very nice.

Except for the fact that the contents are not green, this is pretty good.

Egg/carrot/pickled radish/burdock/pakkoji/oden, a whopping 6 types.

Plus, the oden was generously added.

As someone who likes oden, I am very satisfied.

It’s BakGoJi.

It’s amazing.

It was difficult to find dried pumpkin in Canada.

The amount of rice is random.

The amount of rice is about the perfect amount.

How does it taste?

Sweet and salty.

I think that’s probably why it suits the public’s taste.

The rice is a bit soggy

Did you wrap it when it was hot? As expected, there is a lot of moisture in the seaweed.

It’s delicious

I can’t say it tastes good, but

Considering the price, it’s very easy to eat.

It’s thinner and smaller than the kimbap that costs $7-$8, but I’m satisfied with the price.

It would be nice to warm it up and roll it thickly in an egg to supplement protein and eat it with cucumber.

I don’t think I’ll necessarily go buy it, but I think I’ll buy 3-4 lines while I’m shopping.

Dear neighbors in Edmonton, please try it.

Kimbab, not recommended or not recommended!

TMI) It’s not Calgary !!!! When you go to A-Mart in Calgary, you wonder where the kimbap is? What’s the point if you do it??? You will do it. ^^ It’s not Calgary.

[Source] Edmonton Ugly Kimbap ‘Somehow Kimbap’ review: Price 10 years ago. Surprised by the price. 1 line $2.99 ​​@A-Mart Edmonton | Written by Wonderful Mickey

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