Home » Canada winter night hike Ha Ling Peak sunrise view (But…)

Canada winter night hike Ha Ling Peak sunrise view (But…)

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Rocky Mountain Trekking

hello. This is Miki’s Honey, MikiHani. We provide information for traveling to Canada and Rocky Mountain.

This time, I went on a snow-covered winter hike in Canada to see the sunrise.

The location is Ha Ling Peak, Kanaskis. This is a very popular hiking course located one hour from Calgary.

This hiking trail is so crowded and popular that even in summer, people line up to climb it because of the well-maintained course and great scenery.

However, this is a place that many people visit even in the snow-covered winter. I think that if you wear crampons, you can actually climb there more easily than in the summer. Crampons provide a good grip on snow-covered roads, so you feel much more stable than stepping on dirt.

Crampons are a must for winter hiking.

I left at 5:30 to see the sunrise, but when I stopped by Tim Hortons, which opened at 5:00 to do some coffee, I could hear K-pop. I think the Filipino people working there are K-POP fans.

I heard that Tim Hortons is coming to Korea. Will I be able to eat Tim Hortons donuts in Korea now?  lol

Now, let’s challenge Haring Peak in earnest. Check the landslide warning sign at the entrance. There is a landslide hazard area sign along the way, and you must pass by this sign without stopping.

If you see this sign, you must pass by immediately without stopping. Landslide risk area! check!

The climbing start time was around 7 o’clock, and in order to hike at night in pitch darkness, I put on a headlamp and set off. There was a bit of a delay and I, with poor physical strength, was not confident that I would reach the summit in time for sunrise, so our Canadian Sisters, self-proclaimed Santo (Mountain Lunatic) and Ire (Every day is full of episodes), decided to take responsibility for the sunrise video.

On the way, there was a chain pole on the steep slope, and it was like a break for me, who was having a hard time, to be able to hold on to the rope and climb up. I’ve encountered steeper slopes twice, but this is the first time I’ve been happy with a steep slope. lol

Slowly dawn begins to dawn and the day becomes brighter. Santo ran up to take a picture of the sunrise.

Oh, welcome stairs!

Walking through the snow

The summit is finally visible. Since the mountaintop must have climbed up in advance and taken a video of the sunrise, I climb up slowly and at my own pace.

Arrived at the top!!!! however? what? Where did the sun go?

It looks like the sun is on the right… .

I found out that Ire (Daily Life Episode) used to come up in March and saw the sunrise, but now in December, the sun is still on the right, so I can’t see the sunrise!

I ran to the mountain to film the sunrise, and at the end, my heart almost exploded, so I made it on time… .No matter how much I waited, the sun did not come up and only brightened the day. lol

I wondered how it could just pass by without incident. In the end, Big Ire added one more big episode.

The way down was very easy. When I wore crampons on the snow, my shoes stuck to the floor without being slippery.

From the view point on the way down, you can see EEOR (East End Of Rundle) across the street. It turned out to be a very nice photo, illuminated by the rising sun.

EEOR is also one of the famous hiking courses in Canmore. 
I went there once in the summer and it was so difficult that I gave up on the summit and came down. 
I will post a review of EEOR next time.

The day was bright and on the way down, I saw many teams coming up with their dogs.

Finally, I can see the entrance. There were about two cars when I was climbing, but as the sun rose, there were a lot of cars in the parking lot.

Although the sunrise viewing at Haring Peak ended in failure, it was still a satisfying trek just for the view from the top of Haring Peak in winter.

Now, let’s enjoy Haring Peak in winter.

The summer is great, but the snow-covered Rocky Mountains themselves are different in the winter.

I might come back in March to see the sunrise. Next time, I’ll have to take my time so I don’t fail. In March, the sun rises early, so you may have to leave around 3 a.m. then.

Well, look forward to the next Canadian Sisters hike, and if you subscribe by email, you can conveniently receive news from the Wonderful Mickey blog by email every morning.

There are also YouTube videos. Have fun watching it and know what you like, right?

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