Home » Best burger restaurant in Calgary: Alumni @ 17ave. This place is famous for its very spicy chicken burger.

Best burger restaurant in Calgary: Alumni @ 17ave. This place is famous for its very spicy chicken burger.

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Calgary Best Places


I would like to introduce you to a hamburger restaurant that I visited last week.

As someone who likes hamburgers, the reviews were so good that I’ve been meaning to go there for a long time, but I’ve finally been there.

17 Avenue is such a hot place in Calgary.

Parking isn’t easy.

If you go up one block, you can get two hours of free street parking.

It’s winter in Calgary, but it’s not cold^^

Let’s go eat a hamburger.


What does the store look like from the outside?? It’s small.


The middle sentence is also nicely done.


Orders are placed using the QR code on the table.

Here’s the full menu and prices.

Alumni menu
Alumni menu

The atmosphere of the store is roughly like this.

I like this tile feel^^

Calgary Alumni
Calgary Alumni

The bar also has a nice feel by the window.

Even though it was a late lunch, there were many customers in the store.

Calgary Alumni
Calgary Alumni

This is the famous menu here.

I ordered HOT chicken sandwich.

French fries are separate.

Calgary Alumni 치킨버거

Right: Store promotional photo

Left: Actual photo hahahaha

Calgary Alumni 치킨버거
Calgary Alumni 치킨버거

You can choose a HOT flavor.

The level of hot taste is that spicy sauce.

Do you apply only the front side?

Apply it on both sides,

Depending on whether you soak it in

The level changed.

I ordered half (applying sauce only on one side).

It was quite spicy. If I had ordered it hot, I don’t think I would have been able to eat it because it was too spicy.

Calgary Alumni 치킨버거

French fries ($4.95) ordered as a side.

It was very bad.

It’s very salty, just not that good!!

I’ll order house made potato chips ($6)

I did. regret regret

Calgary Alumni 치킨버거

It was spicy at first bite, like spicy Cheongyang peppers.

It was spicy and had a long-lasting spicy aftertaste.

Cabbage mixed with 1000-some dressing has a spicy taste.

For neutralizing it a lot

The strong, spicy flavor disappeared over time, but the first taste was quite spicy.

For those who are not good at spicy food

I think a quarter with a little bit of sauce would be good.

If you look at the menu, there is something called a pepper pork burger.

I think it’s probably a stir-fried pork flavor burger.


Surely the boss is not Korean?

I’m going to try a regular burger one more time

I intend to visit again, but

It was a burger that I couldn’t say was the burger of my life.

However, it’s been a while since I had a delicious spicy burger, and more than anything, the promise at 17ave, a young people’s street, is always exciting, so I guess that’s how I felt.

Take a look at the video of shorts made with feet^^ hahaha

[Source] Best burger restaurant in Calgary: Alumni @ 17ave. This place is famous for its very spicy chicken burger. Written by Wonderful Miki

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