Home » Rocky Mountains Hiking Trail Review – Lake Agnes Tea House

Rocky Mountains Hiking Trail Review – Lake Agnes Tea House

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Rocky Mountain Trekking

hello. This is Miki’s Honey, MikiHani. We provide information about traveling to the Rocky Mountains in Canada.

This is an easy hiking course along Lake Louise to the small lake and tea house on the upper right, which I visited in early May 2021.

According to AllTrails, the difficulty level is Moderate, and it is a light course with a round trip of 7.4km to the tea house and an elevation of 384m to the summit. This is a summer course, and when I went in early May, there was a lot of snow and it snowed a lot on the way, so it took a long time. Yes.

When hiking in the Rocky Mountains, there are cases where snow piles up on the mountain even in June, so be sure to prepare crampons and poles and prepare clothes for sudden snow and cold.

Start by taking a leisurely stroll along the side road of Lake Louise.
If you look back, you can see Lake Louise and the Lake Louise Hotel.

This is the start of the snowy hike in earnest.

Like this, I take good care of my crampons, put them on, and climb through the snow.

Fortunately, someone hiked first so I didn’t get lost on the way.

If you take a wrong step in a place where there are no footprints, you will end up up to your thighs, so I hiked carefully and only went to places where other people had already passed.

When I arrived at the Tea House hut, I boiled water using the burner I brought, drank some warm coffee, and came down.

I waited for the snow to stop for a while and then came down. If the weather had been nice, I had planned to go up further past the Tea House, but when I got to the Tea House, it was snowing heavily, so I thought I would be exhausted if I went up any further, so I had a quick snack and coffee at the top of the mountain and came down. Since I had a hiking schedule to EEOR (East End of Rundle) the next day, I decided not to overdo it and came down.

There was a lot of snow so it was twice as hard to walk, but the course itself was easy so it wasn’t very difficult and it was fun to walk in the snow, so it was an enjoyable trek.

Series Navigation<< Rocky Mountain Hiking Course – Jumpingpound Summit TrailRocky Mountain Hiking Course Review – Grizzly Peak >>

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