Home » All over Canada: Purchase local bakery and restaurant products at a discount of more than half price. Cost-effective ??? Using the Too Good To Go app

All over Canada: Purchase local bakery and restaurant products at a discount of more than half price. Cost-effective ??? Using the Too Good To Go app


Compared to the price of bread in Korea, the price of bread in Canada is a charm, but if you buy one or two, it quickly costs more than $20, and $30 seems like a basic purchase. In some ways, it’s not even a staple food, it’s just a hobby(?) snack, but it’s a potion that can’t be ignored.

It started early in Vancouver and Toronto.

This service has already been in its second year since it arrived in Edmonton and Calgary.

It’s an app called Too Good to Go.

Hereafter, we will call it TGTG.

Too good to go

You can understand this as selling leftover products at local bakeries and restaurants in the neighborhood.

It’s so easy, right?? lol

Download the app,

After setting the region

Search for the category you want and add it to my favorites. (Let’s use Edmonton as an example)

Too good to go

A list appears like this.

It shows that there is only 1 left that you can buy now.

That cafe offers pickup the next afternoon.

Nothing Today is either sold out or not available at all today.

Too good to go

If you look at the list, you will see that the ratings are very accurate .

Most prices are around $5-6.

Too good to go

I think I’ve experienced almost every place I wanted to go in Edmonton over the past year. Hahaha it was a meaningless seal breaking, but it was very honest.

I always bought donuts and pastries here whenever they came out.

Cupcakes in the top 3 with excellent composition

All of this costs $6-7, so it’s great value for money, right?!!

The bread was made by a French pastry chef and was very delicious.

I also bought this salad.

Cenagio has a really nice composition!

This is a set of 2, but it’s a huge 4 boxes!!! ?????

My first experience at a Ukrainian bakery~

I didn’t know what it tasted like, so I cut it all in half and took a bite.

This is part of the TGTG experience I had in Edmonton.

Tim Hortons has been in TGTG since October .

It may vary from branch to branch, but the composition is very good.

When you’re nearby, you can open the app and buy it right away if it’s at a well-rated branch (there’s no competition), which is great.

Advantages of TGTG

1) Every time I go to the neighborhood, I have fun discovering new places.

2) I visit an unfamiliar neighborhood and learn something new.

3) You can experience food from various countries.

4) The discount rate is large, so you can try a variety of experiences at a low price.

5) Cancellation is possible up to 2 hours before the pick-up time.

Disadvantages of TGTG

1) It is inconvenient to have to be on time for pickup.

2) 1 out of 10 times you will experience failure.

People’s ratings are surprisingly accurate, so if you go to places with high ratings, you will definitely succeed!!! This is it^^

There is such a wonderful system! do

I hope you enjoy your life in Canada^^

Too good to go

[Source] All over Canada: Purchase local bakery and restaurant products at a discount of more than half price. Cost-effective ??? Using the Too good To go app | Written by Wonderful Mickey

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