Home » [Cafe Tour] Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Branch: Where I experienced the most delicious latte so far☕️☕️☕️

[Cafe Tour] Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Branch: Where I experienced the most delicious latte so far☕️☕️☕️

This entry is part 9 of 10 in the series Calgary Best Places


I will write a review of my visit to the Rosso Tuxedo branch, which gave me the best latte I have ever experienced in Calgary.

It’s been on my list of places to visit in Calgary for a long time, but I was finally able to go there.

Visit at 9:30 in the morning!!!

I visited at the right time, which was perfect. lol

It’s clean as it’s located on the first floor of a newly built residential-commercial complex.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

As soon as I walk in, a comfortable sofa catches my eye^^

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

We created a lot of places to sit in every nook and cranny.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

The overall atmosphere is modern and nice.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

There are so many seats, but they all fill up soon. I guess this is a famous spot~~^^

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

Latte prices are the same as those in Calgary, and Americanos are quite cheap. Is the thing called drip coffee just brew coffee? It’s too cheap.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

This bakery, which I didn’t expect, is so great. There are many kinds and they are all delicious. Among them, black sesame croissants!!!!! This catches my eye!!!!!

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

The breakfast menu, which is sold all day, is good and the price is reasonable. ?

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵
Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵
Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

There are so many places to sit, but they are all full!!

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵

I order a small 12oz latte.


As always! Extra hot and extra foam.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵 라떼 Latte

I felt like it was well made from the moment I received it.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵 Latte 라떼

Wait a minute here!!

Please take a look at the latte I received at Starbucks in Edmonton a few days ago. This really crappy latte!!! This hair follicle is the third time I’ve made this. ㅠㅠㅠ Reflect on yourself, Starbucks!!!! They made that into a form ㅠㅠㅠ

Yes!! Latera should be like this.

Calgary Rosso Tuxedo Coffee Rosters 캘거리 커피샵 라떼 Latte

Even if you drink it, the velvet foam will not die!! This is what latte should be like!

The first sip is very strong.

Bittersweet throws a strong uppercut while defenseless.

Just at the moment of embarrassment, the bitter taste of the coffee and the nuttiness of the milk create perfect harmony.

I drank a delicious latte that I was sad to see disappearing after such a long time. ?????

[Source] [Cafe Tour] Calgary Rosso Tuxedo branch: Where I experienced the most delicious latte so far☕️☕️☕️ | Written by Wonderful Miki

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