Home » I went to the new Lina’s Italian Market. Part 1: Too good! Beware of lots of pictures.

I went to the new Lina’s Italian Market. Part 1: Too good! Beware of lots of pictures.

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series Calgary Best Places


It’s too long, so I’m posting it in parts 1 and 2.^^

Deerfoot City Mall had its grand opening last Saturday.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Lina's Italian

Awing is cute. When you think of Italy, you think red^^

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Lina's Italian

I should have been there when the opening event took place, but I was on a Mickey tour in Okotoks at the time.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Lina's Italian

I’m obsessed with Pink this season. Hahaha, there is another Pinkoo tree.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Lina's Italian

There are some great Christmas products like these.

however… .. Huh????

Why does the price tag end at .88?

Is this Chinese capital???????

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

The Italian guy

They promote olive oil a lot. They say you should try the best olive oil.

It was really delicious. First of all, steam it!!!!

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

There is a food court on one side of the long store.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

You can also eat it right in front of each store.

There are plenty of places to eat and sit.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

Do you see the octopus salad?

I definitely want to eat that next time. First of all, steam it!!!!

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

They also sell instant pasta. The chefs make it right away.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

I really liked the BBQ restaurant too.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

Actually, it’s an Italian home-cooked buffet corner.

The lajana looked so delicious.

Hmm!!! There is so much to eat.

I guess I have to go here all week to try everything on the menu.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

There is also a panini corner.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

I think this is an Italian hamburger restaurant.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

Pitja corner at the very end!!!

I am confident in this…

Even if you are in the corner, people will come to you! That kind of confidence.

Here’s a picture of the queen!!!!!!!!!!

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

There is also separate seating in front of the pizza corner.

캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market
캘거리 이탈리안 마켓 Calgary Lina's Italian Market

I haven’t even looked halfway through it yet.

It’s getting too long. lol

I’ll prepare again for the next episode.

for a moment!!!! Are you just going to go?? Hing

Hatuhatu ❤️❤️❤️Please press hard ❤️❤️❤️

If you leave a warm comment, I will do my best to post more.

[Source] The largest in Calgary!! I went to the new Lina’s Italian Market. Part 1: Too good, be careful^^ Beware of lots of pictures. Written by Wonderful Miki

Series Navigation<< I went to the new Lina’s Italian Market. Part 2: Rumor of unfounded Chinese capital stories ^^ hahahaI went to Alberta’s first Chipotle store in Calgary.  >>

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