Home » Outdoor golf in the middle of winter in Calgary??? Is that possible?

Outdoor golf in the middle of winter in Calgary??? Is that possible?

This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Calgary Best Places


I went to a very cool place today.

Wow~~ Amazing^^

I don’t know much about golf because I don’t play golf.

But I like the club house^^ hahahaha

I like eating at the clubhouse. ?????

I got some great information that there’s a super awesome clubhouse in Calgary.

※Can accommodate 900 people at the same time

※Canada’s largest

※There is a clubhouse that opened this year.

So I went today.

I searched on Google and it said it was open.

It’s winter… Huh??? really??? I did it…

It can happen!! I tried it.

Right here.


Was it made by a famous champion?? Anyway…

캘거리 Calgary Mickelson national golf club

go… ..I saw… … But ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Hmph!!!! It’s locked tightly. It’s so dull. ㅠㅠ

캘거리 Calgary Mickelson national golf club

But when I looked at the building across from me, it was crowded with cars.

Right here.


There is a small club house.

It says entrance to the suites.

It’s not even a hotel suite room, but it’s a suite??? That sounds far away, right?? I told you so.


Wow~~~ It looks like this.

Wow~~~~~ Amazing!!!

This is outdoors.


Source: Launchpad homepage

If you look at the picture.

It seems like the ball is being sent onto that round plate.

It’s like sending a ball to those and playing a game like screen golf.

I don’t know golf lol.


It’s wide open outdoors.!!!!!!

In this way… ..

The game is played in the form of screen golf.

Being hit by the cold wind in a straight line and getting hit in the eye. LOL.

In the open air in the bitter cold weather.

Calgary outdoor golf in winter, LAUNCHPAD

But this is possible.

Look at the heater in the pictures below.

There are heaters everywhere so it’s so hot!!!! Omg mana.

Calgary outdoor golf in winter, LAUNCHPAD
Calgary outdoor golf in winter, LAUNCHPAD
Calgary outdoor golf in winter, LAUNCHPAD

When I saw it today, it was fully booked.

Sit down, pour, drink.

I had a great time eating nacho chips^^

Next to the outdoor screen golf course, the Mini Me Club House, which is not a club house, is in operation.

It’s a bit awkward to go there just to eat.

The price is reasonable for eating while playing screen golf.

Calgary outdoor golf in winter, LAUNCHPAD

The amount is about this.

I think the price is very good ^^

Calgary outdoor golf in winter, LAUNCHPAD price

On Tuesdays, there is even a 20% discount.


It is open all year round and temperatures down to -25 degrees. Anything below that is closed.

Even if there are heaters in all directions, anything less than that would be difficult.

It’s a 20-minute drive from Mickey’s house. It’s so close!! This is close to Calgary^^

Did you know that there are no hotels or places to stay around here??? lol



Sleeping comfortably at Mickey’s house,

How about a game of golf while getting snowed in the middle of winter?

Wouldn’t that be so much fun????

[Source] Playing outdoor golf in the middle of winter in Calgary??? Is that possible? Written by Wonderful Miki

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