Home » Calgary souvenirs: A list of gifts for friends from other cities in Canada

Calgary souvenirs: A list of gifts for friends from other cities in Canada


Recently, an acquaintance sent an SOS.

What are some good souvenirs from Calgary for people living in other parts of Canada?

It’s a Calgary souvenir.

If possible, #CALGARY!!!! Stuck or

#You can only buy this in Calgary!!! It should be like this, right?

Let’s take a look at what you can buy at supermarkets.

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

ROSSO Coffee Bean

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

Phil and Sebastian Coffee Bean

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

The CALGARY logo is there!! Calgary Heritage Coffee Bean

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

The CALGARY logo is here!!! calgary jellies

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

CALGARY Wow!!! calgary peanuts

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리
캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

CALGARY Wow!!! calgary grains

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

Leave the supermarket and go to the nearby prop store.

Honey made in CALGARY

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

Body oil made by CALGARY

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

Salt made by CALGARY

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리
캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

Extra episode ^^

What to do in Edmonton!! How did it become Deadmonton? ㅠㅠㅠ

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

Handsome Alberta guys??? indeed? hmm!!!! I don’t think so haha.

캐나다 귀국선물 캘거리

This should be enough, right?

I excluded liquids that are difficult to take on an airplane.

Mickey is recommended in the next post!!! Let’s put together a list of good gifts to take to Korea^^

[Source] Calgary souvenirs: A list of gifts for acquaintances from other parts of Canada | Written by Wonderful Miki

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1 Response

  1. 2023년 12월 30일

    […] Calgary souvenirs: A list of gifts for friends from other cities in Canada […]

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