Home » A taste tour around the world from Calgary ??? : Are you getting to know Calgary?

A taste tour around the world from Calgary ??? : Are you getting to know Calgary?


Because I was bored^^… … ..

Let’s share photos of the world’s culinary journey that we have experienced in Calgary so far~~~

I hate Calgary!!!!!! I was so upset

Just give it a try and many people will introduce you to various places.

These are also places where I traveled around and mined like an explorer.

Just enjoy watching~~❤️

There is also a direct WestJet flight from Calgary, right?

Shall we go to London first?

British tea scones and clotted cream that I thoroughly enjoyed.

There is no way to describe it other than that it was perfect.

I discovered this one!! I praise you so much^^?????

You’re so cool!! Haha, give yourself some praise.

Take the ferry across the Strait of Dover from London.

I’m going to Paris.

Among the mussel dishes I had in Canada, the coje was by far the best, and the grilled scallops were delicious but very expensive. Great place where everything was delicious!!

While walking down the street, I happened to see a place that looked delicious, so I made a reservation and went there!!

Great success!!

You are really worth the money you spent!!!!!!

I can’t believe I’m looking for it with that emotional feeling~~?

Now that I’ve eaten, I’ll take the TGV to Nice for dessert.

Ahhh!!! French sensibility^^

Eat a piece of cake filled with French gaminess.

Edmonton Anchoron is the best when it comes to macarons, so I just eat cake. lol

Shall we move on to Italy, the neighborhood next door?

Lina’s Italian Shop obtained through TGTG?? Happiness at $7.99❤️

Arancini was really delicious. ?

Above, Switzerland is very expensive, so skip it for now.^^

Hmm~~ Chocolates are expensive too.

It was a good thing I skipped it.

스위스 초콜렛

Let’s go to Germany quickly. ??

I can’t resist buying pretzels.

Eat it in the car. lol

Oh no!! If it tastes this good, it’s against the rules!!!


It seems like a sundae, but like a sundae, you are not a sundae~~~~~~

Is that so??? None!!

You~~~~~~~~~~ Really!!

It would be a shame to just leave, so I’ll also stop by Amsterdam.

Let’s go to the next country, Poland!??

It’s cheap and has great European gambling, so it’s a great place to travel, right?

Dressed in polish!!

Sizzling crispy potato pancakes!!

I think Polish people would have lived well in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do^^ LOL 100% synchronized with Korean potato pancakes.

I’ll take a plane and come down a bit.

Türkiye ??

Wow~~ Such an amazing dessert~~~~ ???

터키 디저트

It was rough and rough, but the cream artisan!!!

In fact, it is said that an old lady makes it.

Wow~~ It was fresh and delicious.

So I bought the wafer shells to make Turkish ice cream!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha

I am a very curious person!! Jeungmalu, what should I do~~ LOL

Take a trip around Europe

I took a picture of Türkiye

Now I have to move to Asia!!

Hong Kong ?? If I do that, I have to eat dim sum again.

My favorite dim sum, delicious anytime!

The lineup is too disappointing for just my husband and I to eat together!

Should I eat dim sum??

I was full after eating dim sum.

What about Japan?? Let’s move on and eat dessert.

Add red beans and ice cream

Glutinous rice Monacafi

The crispiness you make on the spot~

There is no comparison with the existing Monaca!

I should try adding a chunk of yuzu and white bean paste too^^

korea ???? A common snack in Japan!!

Finish with fish cake stew~~~!!

Are you eating radishes?? Are you eating oden????!!! lol

Interior items in our home that can only be seen with the eyes

A rare item more valuable than the vase on the table!!!!! LOL

My husband asks.

When do you eat that shrimp cracker??

huh!! I can’t eat it. It’s an interior accessory. ???????


Did you really enjoy it?

Enjoy a world culinary journey in Calgary.^^

It’s the beginning of winter, but let’s have fun looking for amazing and delicious things~~~~❤️

A taste tour around the world from Calgary ?????????????????? : Calgary

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